Thursday, May 29, 2008

Personalized Photo Albums

Okay, I would like to say that I have the time and energy to scrapbook, and I certainly have tried to, but it just never happens! And actually I think I have 800 pictures (no exaggeration!) on my camera right now including my honeymoon pictures from 2 1/2 years ago! So I saw something similar to these albums in a Martha Stewart magazine a few years ago. You just put your pictures in these little photo albums by theme, year, event, etc... Still cute, but more manageable!
So I made a few for my pictures--my class at school, family pics, our vacation....

These albums hold 36 4x6 pictures. These would be PERFECT grandma brag books!! They fit into your purse so well!

But these are just a few I made up. I can certainly design one to fit your theme, so just email me with an idea!

Personalized Photo Album: $10

Oh, I used digital scrapbook paper to do these designs, so the paper is made to look textured and have imperfections. That's why some of the polka dots are perfect dots! My husband was confused, so I thought I'd explain in case you were wondering! :)